
石欣卉 你没想像中爱我

石欣卉 你没想像中爱我 is a very good song… A while back she released her latest album. In it, there is a great

Finding Missing Lyrics in your MP3 songs

I was enjoying a Chinese song on my iPod at Starbucks today and wanted to sing along (silently in case all the customers died

SkiniTunes : A great companion to iTunes

I am always on the look out for nice, pretty and fun software to play my MP3 music with. Recently Lifehacker introduced a comp

Rest In Peace 阿桑

阿桑 Sad that a good singer passed away. She passed away quietly (and many were surprised) due to cancer. She was 34 years o

谢安琪 欢送会 and 囍帖街

谢安琪 Same song but in different languages. One (囍帖街) in Canto (in 2008 Binary Album) and one (欢送会) in Chinese

Why iTunes songs cannot have proper Chinese titles

If you go to iTunes and buy a Chinese or Canto song, you will be stuck with some crazy pinyin or English translated song title

蔡依林 Excellent Song : 惯性背叛

蔡依林 with her song 惯性背叛 Her latest album (Butterfly) is coming out soon. In Feb 2009, there was another album fro

New iPod Shuffle : Voice Over work with Chinese Songs

Apple launched yet another brilliant iPod again. This time it is the smallest music player that actually talks to you.. or so

萧亚轩 爱的主打歌[吻]

萧亚轩 I only want one song in this album ! Yes 吻 !! It is such a nice song…. I actually first heard it in a KTV an

Album Art Cover Flow in iPod Nano 4th Generation

I have two First Generation iPod Nano which I bought years ago when it was very first launched in Singapore. In fact, it is so

Free Download of Mascot Fight Pantomime Hearse

Mascot Fight A lot of upcoming bands and singers started off by giving away their music in Myspace, Facebook or other avenues

Recommended Song: 孙燕姿 我不难过

孙燕姿 我不难过 A song for all of you for the weekend. Of course, I am very familiar with the songs of 孙燕姿 as she