Album Covers

en 宿命

en 宿命… Going to try out this album ! 一字一句 is good. 2024-01-24: en 宿命 A Large Album Art Cover 2024-01-24:

李佳薇 会发光的

Jess Lee 李佳薇 and her latest album 李佳薇 会发光的. She been singing quite actively since we first know her ! 2024

李荣浩 黑马

Mr Li and his latest album.. 李荣浩 黑马 [2024-10-18] 李荣浩 黑马 A large album art for you ! [2024-10-18] 李荣浩

江美琪 圆的 圆的

Maggie Chiang 江美琪 with her 2024 album Round and Round 圆的 圆的 [2024-10-24] 江美琪 圆的 圆的 A large album a

方大同 梦想家

Wow.. not featured Khalil Fong 方大同 for a while. His 2024 album 梦想家 ! [2024-10-18] 方大同 梦想家 Large Album

毛不易 冒险精神

Mao Buyi and the latest album, The Inner Venture. 毛不易 冒险精神. 2024年09月22日 : 毛不易 冒险精神 Large Alb

陈慧娴 几时再见演唱会

Priscilla Chan is a prominent Cantopop singer from Hong Kong, known for her success in the 1980s and early 1990s. She was born

陆虎 时间是个有趣的东西

Lu Hu 陆虎 with his new album 时间是个有趣的东西. Of course, to me, his most famous song must be 雪落下的聲音

李玟 你在我心上30周年纪念专辑

Rest in peace, Coco Lee 🙁 [2024-08-23] 李玟 你在我心上30周年纪念专辑 李玟 你在我心上30周年纪念专�

周笔畅 Have A Nice Day

Wow.. different type of cover for her album. [2024-08-14] : 周笔畅 Have A Nice Day A Large Album Art Cover 周笔畅 Have A

黄磊 边走边唱

Huang Lei 黄磊 song, 边走边唱, is one of my favourite. I also heard the 李荣浩 version but I still prefer 黄磊 边�

虎二 你一定要幸福

“You Must Be Happy 你一定要幸福” is a song sung by Tiger Wang (虎二), written by Tang Tian and composed by