单依纯 续写

Shan Yichun or 单依纯 续写 is the theme song for 电视剧《一生一世》主题曲. Very nice song. Very emotional son

周思涵 过客

Late to the party but I love this song by 阿涵 more and more. 2016-12-08 : 周思涵 过客 A Larger Album Art Cover for you

Mojim Lyrics Web Site is Down

I don’t know what to say. One after another. The web sites that defined my music life back then. All going down. One aft

萧煌奇 没事的

Ricky Hsiao 萧煌奇 with 2024 latest album, No Worries 没事的 !! [2024-05-10] 萧煌奇 没事的 A large album art cover

苏打绿 原汁原味

Oops. Not sure how I missed this album from 苏打绿 but hey.. here’s the album art cover for Soda Green’s album,

戴佩妮 被动的观众

Beautiful album by Penny Tai 戴佩妮 ! The Passive Audience (戴佩妮 被动的观众). 2022-06-29 : 戴佩妮 被动的观

陈雪凝 我新长出的犄角

I love Shirley Chen, 陈雪凝 ! I love her two songs, 你的酒馆对我打了烊 and 绿色. She is out with a new album !In

张国荣 张国荣告别乐坛演唱会 足本版

Amazing !! They found the master tape for 张国荣告别乐坛演唱会 !! On May 7, 2024, Universal Music Hong Kong will rel

徐若瑄 先听我说完

Vivian Hsu 徐若瑄 with her latest album, It’s My Turn, 先听我说完 ! 2024-04-19 : 徐若瑄 先听我说完 Think

许廷铿 Blue 蓝调

Alfred Hui has a very good album here in 2012. Love his voice ! [2012-01-11] 许廷铿 Blue 蓝调 A larger Album Art for you

郑少秋 笑看风云

Oh my god. very classic.. I love the title song, 笑看风云 [1995] 郑少秋 笑看风云 Album Art Cover for you, Canto Fan

伊能静 安妮的王子

Annie Yi is our goddess when we were young. Actually she is so under-rated. Her songs are so nice and she has a great voice. T