I get my MP3 from many sources. From my CD collection that I am still trying my best to convert (it is almost 15 years of collection…), from my friends and colleagues’ collections and of course, the internet.
Regardless of sources, they go through the same workflow of “manufacturing” them to the quality and standards I wanted 🙂
For details on that workflow I used to follow daily in that process, read this blog link.
So what are the tools I normally use in the workflow?
I listed them here for your quick reference:
7 zip: Freeware which can unzip Unicode zipped files that contain the MP3 files.
EAC : Exact Audio Copy for Ripping CD into a suitable format such as MP3 or Lossless formats
Foobar : For Converting from APE and FLAC to MP3 easily and quickly
Medieval CUE Splitter : For Splitting Up an Audio File based on the CUE file supplied. Very good.
Monkey Audio : Lossless APE format. A format that is very popular in Asia internet forums.
MP3 LAME Encoder : Free Source MP3 Encoder that you can use with EAC
MP3tag : Best Tag Editor. The very in the market. I don’t need any automatic lyrics or album art search as I am dealing with Chinese music here but this tool is brilliant for its simplicity yet powerful in many ways to speed up my process of tagging. Brilliant.
You really should check out MusicBrainz and never manually edit any tags again. Chinese ID3 tags are such a mis-mash of mixed simplified/traditional Chinese, different character encodings, etc. I'm impressed that you have the patience to even try sorting it out by hand…