32 Gilstead Condo New Launch

Hins Cheung is a very long going Hong Kong singer. He is like been in the music scene forever….towards the next 20 years ?

[2023-01-18] 张敬轩 The Next 20 HINS LIVE IN HONG KONG 张敬轩演唱会

张敬轩 The Next 20 HINS LIVE IN HONG KONG 张敬轩演唱会
张敬轩 The Next 20 HINS LIVE IN HONG KONG 张敬轩演唱会

A large album art for you, Hins Fans

张敬轩 The Next 20 HINS LIVE IN HONG KONG 张敬轩演唱会
张敬轩 The Next 20 HINS LIVE IN HONG KONG 张敬轩演唱会

张敬轩 The Next 20 HINS LIVE IN HONG KONG 张敬轩演唱会 Track Listing


01.Overture (Live)
02.Do What You Want (Live)
03.YOU (Live)
04.骚灵情歌 (Live)
05.Talk 1 (Live)
06.为你钟情 (Live)
07.找对的人 (Live)
08.Act 1 (Live)
09.天才儿童1985 (Live)
10.Act 2 (Live)
11.青春常驻 (Live)
12.Talk 2 (Live)
13.百年树木 (Live)
14.原子 – Dance Performance (Live)
15.缺 (Live)
16.绯荔榭•少年 (Live)
17.迷失艺术 (Live)
18.归无 – Dance Performance (Live)
19.Creep – Dance Performance (Live)
20.Sweet Escape (Live)
21.迷失表参道 (Live)
22.Yes & No (Live)
23.Talk 1 (Live)
24.俏郎君 (Live)
25.Like ¿ – animated short (Live)
26.酩酊天使 (Live)
27.On my way (Live)
28.Talk 2 (Live)
29张敬轩、王菀之 – 留白 (Live)
30.Talk 3 (Live)
31张敬轩、王菀之 – 高八度 (Live)
32.Talk 4 (Live)
33.樱花树下 (Live)
34.酷爱 (Live)
35.余震 (Live)
36.Talk 1 (Live)
37.笑忘书 (Live)
38.只是太爱你 (国) (Live)
39.Talk 2 (Live)
40.春秋 (Live)
41.My Way (国) (Live)
42.雪花抄 (Live)
43.P.S.I Love You (Live)
44.他的故事 (Live)
45.Talk 3 (Live)
46.老了十岁 (Live)
47.尘埃落定 (Live)
48.Talk 4 (Live)
49.遇见神 (Live)

Watten House Chinese Image

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