神木与瞳 为你而活

神木与瞳 为你而活

Pairing of winner of 《超级星光大道》 2nd Season and finalist of the same contest. Lots of sparks when they sing together so it is not surprising that they released an album together.

Hope they do as well as 林宥嘉 and 萧敬腾 and 杨宗纬.

2008: 神木与瞳 为你而活

神木与瞳 为你而活

神木与瞳 为你而活

神木与瞳 为你而活
神木与瞳 为你而活
Track Listing
1.为你而活(赖铭伟 and 黄美珍)
6.Be Your Love
12.Se-Ma-Se-Nay Ku

The Orie New Launch

2 thoughts on “神木与瞳 为你而活

  1. Victor Ly

    Hello, I hope you are well.

    Over the last few months, I have checked out your site several times to look for album covers. I appreciate that you have such a wonderful site that promotes Chinese album covers, which is sometimes very hard to find and is a chore to find on English Web sites.

    Like you, I like high quality album covers (I also like song lyrics written correctly, while we’re on the subject), so your site has helped quite a bit.

    I just felt that it was appropriate to drop you a message to thank you.

    Have a great day,
    Victor Ly

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