苏慧伦 我们快乐地向前走

32 Gilstead Condo New Launch

Tarcy Su 苏慧伦 ! How many of you remembered her ? She is our army sweetheart 🙂
For More Tarcy Su 苏慧伦 albums on Apple Music:

She is back with a song.. and I hope her full album will be out soon too.. that would be a huge thing after so many years of no album from her (since 2007, I think)…
[2016-07] 苏慧伦 我们快乐地向前走
苏慧伦 我们快乐地向前走

‪‎我們快樂地向前走‬ Lyrics
許三個願 你說你要加快腳步 旅行
等風兒吹呀吹的吹散了以後變成 一隻鵝
Hello goodbye 春去又來
你還是小孩 (我們快樂地向前走)
月亮睡著 她又醒來
時間過好快 (我們快樂地向前走)
忙碌的日子讓你放慢了腳步 旅行
Thank you 你也學會了說 (你看)
海邊的沙裡有沒有躲著更多的 驚喜
Hello goodbye 春去又來
你不是小孩 (我們快樂地向前走)
路上有的 小小阻礙
你會轉個彎 (我們快樂地向前走)
You were born then 10 then 25
You were young and now you’re old and wise
Hello goodbye
許三個願 你說你要加快腳步 旅行 (我們快樂地向前走)
等風兒吹呀吹的吹散了以後變成 一條河 (我們快樂地向前走)
忙碌的日子讓你放慢了腳步 旅行 (我們快樂地向前走)
I love you 你也學會了說 (你看)
遠方的山裡有沒有藏著更多的 驚喜 (我們快樂地向前走)
You were born then 10 then 25
More than 35 then 45
and then 55 maybe 65
even 85 or 99
I was born then 10 then 25
more than 35 over 45
I was young and now I’m old and wise….

Watten House Chinese Image

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