阿信 Special Thanks To

32 Gilstead Condo New Launch

阿信 Special Thanks To (感谢自选辑).

Frankly. I did not really find this album very nice. A lot of songs that were sang previously by others and he re-sang them with his own style. Not my type of music though. But I know he has many fans 🙂

2005 : Special Thanks To (感谢自选辑)

阿信 Special Thanks To

阿信 Special Thanks To

阿信 Special Thanks To (感谢自选辑)

01 如果还有明天 – 信/薛岳/柯有伦
02 让每个人都心碎
03 痴痴的等
04 爱情36计 – 信/小丸子
05 牵挂
06 摆开烦恼
07 变
08 黑色柳丁
09 让每个人都心碎 (Reprise)
10 我期待 – 信/戴爱玲
11 棋王 – 信/Keith Stuart (新歌)
12 你的背包

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