巫启贤 Discography
In celebration of his concert (Eric Moo Moments 2010 : 巫启贤《最初的感动》2010 亚洲巡回演唱会) in Singapore this coming Friday night, I am attaching some of his albums and its covers.
Some of the quality are so so only as they are very old albums. Also I dun think this is a complete list so if you know of any and have the good album art, send them on 🙂
I grew up with his music… I never forget that !!
1987 : 巫启贤 年轻的心
1988 : 巫启贤 个性生活写真集
1989 : 巫启贤 奇迹
1991 : 巫启贤 单恋 因为你 因为歌
1993 : 巫启贤 红尘来去一场梦
1994 : 巫启贤 单恋Ⅱ错
1994-01 : 巫启贤 太傻 [巫启贤情歌回顾展]
1994 : 巫启贤 心酸的情歌
1994 : 巫启贤 爱情傀儡
1995 : 巫启贤 有心
1995 : 巫启贤 爱那么重
1996 : 巫启贤 因为你
1996 : 巫启贤 思念谁
1996 : 巫启贤 风中有你
1998 : 巫启贤 我是你的
1999 : 巫启贤 寻贤启事
2000-12 : 巫启贤 感动
2002-03 : 巫启贤 都是路弯弯
2009-11-27 : 巫启贤 好经典