伊能静 春暖花开 EP

32 Gilstead Condo New Launch

伊能静 春暖花开 EP

I tell you a secret. I have a very deep crush on her when I was a young boy (MANY MANY YEARS AGO) and she was selling with 裘海正 and 方文琳.

Everyone was saying that 方文琳 was the prettiest then but I find that Annie has the most sweet look 🙂

And you cannot deny this is a damn nice album art 🙂 🙂

2010-04-16 : 伊能静 春暖花开

伊能静 春暖花开

伊能静 春暖花开

伊能静 春暖花开
伊能静 春暖花开 EP BACK
01. 春暖花开
02. 爱的练习本

Watten House Chinese Image

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