G.E.M. 邓紫棋 Revelación

《Revelación》 is the Spanish version of G.E.M.’s album Revelation and also the first Spanish-language album releas

伊能静 关不住

What a beautiful album art cover 🙂 for Annie Yi’s album in 2001 伊能静 关不住 ! [2001] 伊能静 关不住 A mu

伊能静 自己

Annie Yi’s 伊能静 album in 1996. The title of the album is Myself 自己 [1996-07] 伊能静 自己 A large album art

伊能静 恋爱中的女人

Her album back in 1993. Annie Yi 伊能静, and her 恋爱中的女人 Woman in Love. [1993-04] 伊能静 恋爱中的女人 A

方大同 艾美梦游1-6

Cute album art cover from Khalil Fong 方大同 2024-12-31 : 方大同 艾美梦游1-6 A larger album art cover for this CUTEE

伊能静 游戏

Her album in May 1992…. 伊能静 游戏 [1992-05] 伊能静 游戏 [1992-05] 伊能静 游戏 Tracks

胡夏 MORE胡夏

Hu Xia (胡夏) and his album in 2023… It is called MORE胡夏.. [2023-02-17] 胡夏 MORE胡夏 A larger album art cover

戴佩妮 No Penn No Gain

No Penn, No Gain is the fourth studio album by singer Penny Tai 戴佩妮, released on March 14, 2003. The following year, Pe

张靓颖 Past Progressive

Her English album from Jane Zhang 张靓颖. This is an album that took a few years to prepare and record. 2019-04-27 : 张靓

张韶涵 与世之争-上篇

Angela Zhang 张韶涵 and her latest album in two parts… 2024-12-27 : 张韶涵 与世之争-上篇 A Larger Album Art

徐怀钰 Miss Right

Yuki Hsu 徐怀钰 album back in 2001 August. It is her fifth album. According to reports, she loves this album a lot. [2001-0

徐怀钰 光致。蜕变

Yuki Hsu 徐怀钰 !! Her first album since 2007. Yes.. Amazing Right 🙂 Auntie so old still can release albums , ok…