伊能静 关不住
What a beautiful album art cover 🙂 for Annie Yi’s album in 2001 伊能静 关不住 ! [2001] 伊能静 关不住 A mu
伊能静 自己
Annie Yi’s 伊能静 album in 1996. The title of the album is Myself 自己 [1996-07] 伊能静 自己 A large album art
伊能静 恋爱中的女人
Her album back in 1993. Annie Yi 伊能静, and her 恋爱中的女人 Woman in Love. [1993-04] 伊能静 恋爱中的女人 A
伊能静 游戏
Her album in May 1992…. 伊能静 游戏 [1992-05] 伊能静 游戏 [1992-05] 伊能静 游戏 Tracks
伊能静 落入凡间的精灵
One of her 伊能静 more famous albums.. 落入凡间的精灵 [1990-03] 伊能静 落入凡间的精灵 A large album art co
伊能静 我是猫
One of the most famous albums in the past… Annie Yi 伊能静 with I am Cat 我是猫 [1988-11] 伊能静 我是猫 A la
伊能静 有我有你
Annie Yi 伊能静 and her debut album, 有我有你, back in 1987. I remembered this album when I was young as there were man
伊能静 安妮的王子
Annie Yi is our goddess when we were young. Actually she is so under-rated. Her songs are so nice and she has a great voice. T
伊能静 Princess A
伊能静 …. Listened to her music when I was a teenager 🙂 Compilation album of her years of albums… [2006-12]
伊能静 春暖花开 EP
伊能静 春暖花开 EP I tell you a secret. I have a very deep crush on her when I was a young boy (MANY MANY YEARS AGO) an