张国荣 Final Encounter
One of the greatest pleasure of doing a web site like this is to know that it is useful to your readers. I am even much happier when readers are now contributing to our collection. I use the word, OUR, as that’s my intention and mission : To make it the best Chinese album art web site for all your lovers of Chinese and Canto music.
So it is with greatest happiness that one of my reader have started to send a huge number of album art that he has scanned himself. He is now converting his CDs into MP3 and as part of that, is also scanning the album art. And hence, he is contributing to this web site. He has many special albums that are very hard to find ! Great job !
I am very happy to share them and will do so as quickly as time allows so that everyone here gets to enjoy our fruits together.
Thanks to reader Ekin H ! (cool name :p)
And if you are thinking of doing a digital conversion for your own CD collection, here’s my guide.
Here’s the first one from his collection. And dont you just love 风再起时 ?
May the community sharing spirit of Chinese Album Art lives on 🙂
1989 : 张国荣 Final Encounter
Track Listing
2.I Miss You Much