Mirai 未来

Mirai 未来 : One and only album

One album. Never heard of them ever after. Pity as I like 放开 quite a bit. I still don’t know if they are a Japanese girl group or a Singapore girl group etc. Amazing and cruel music scene.

Take 3 girls from a normal life, push them to the limelight and then suddenly expect them to disappear altogether.

I wonder what happened to each of the girls in the group.

(Oh wow.. my readers’ comments have left some good information)

2000-06 : Mirai 未来
Mirai 未来
Mirai 未来
Mirai 未来
Track Listing
1.Introduction (Into The Sky)
2.Once Again
6.Take a chance (Interlude-One Big Apple)
8.I Don’t Wanna Say Goodbye
9.My Love
10.Into The Sky
11.White Love

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6 thoughts on “Mirai 未来

  1. Reng

    The girl on the left has actually become relatively successful!

    Her name is Olivia Ong and you might or might not have heard of her. But she she is now one of the better known singers in Singapore, having released a couple of bossanova albums and also singing the theme song for “The Little Nonya”, a very popular TV serial in Singapore.
    Google her up!

  2. Admin

    Wow. I did not know that Olivia was part of Mirai. Thank you so much for the information. It is amazing. (Yes, I know Olivia… she sang Little Nonya :p)

  3. Zavier

    Heya. I’ve got this album!! Had to do a little digging in my drawer though.

    So oliva ong had another name when she was in mirai? Was she elizabeth, roseline or brenda in mirai?

  4. Anonymous

    Brena was replaced by Olivia after the first year.

    The girl on the left is Elizabeth, not Olivia.

    And yes, Olivia is awesome!


  5. Anonymous

    I went to their concert in SP in 2001 when i was stil a poly student… Olivia was from Mirai did surprised me. That was a long time ago! Hope she do well in the Taiwan singing competition.

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