The up and coming Kayee Tam from Hong Kong. Singing a LOT of TVB shows songs.. I am so happy to finally see “陪着你走” and “Can You See”. “陪着你走” duet version is a KTV must sing song. And “Can You See” was from one of my favourite TVB show, “律政强人”. And in the TVB show, “BB來了” also an oldie but goodie… “有了你” (Mr 陈百强’s excellent song).
[2018-11-19] 谭嘉仪 Lonely

And one large large album art to make you happy too 🙂

Track Listing
- Lonely(無綫電視劇集《特技人》插曲)
- 有了你(無綫電視劇集《BB來了》主題曲)
- 陪著你走(無綫電視劇集《不懂撒嬌的女人》插曲)
- Amazing Grace (無綫電視劇集《救妻同學會》插曲)
- Lonely(廣東話合唱版)- 與關楚耀合唱
- Can You See (無綫電視劇集《律政强人》插曲)
- 陪著你走(合唱版)- 與王浩信合唱
- 甜言騙局
- 花森林(big big channel 網絡劇集《降魔的番外篇 – 首部曲》主題曲)
- 扯線木偶
- 冰傷