陈奕迅 The Key

32 Gilstead Condo New Launch

Eason Chan latest 陈奕迅 The Key

Eason…. he always have very interesting album covers..

Aliens ? 🙂

[2013-07-22] 陈奕迅 The Key
陈奕迅 The Key
陈奕迅 The Key
01.主旋律 / The Main Theme
02.告别婆婆 / Farewell Saha
03.斯德哥尔摩情人 / Stockholm Lover
04.任我行 / The Wanderer
05.远在咫尺 / So Far So Close
06.失忆蝴蝶 / The Butterfly Effect
07.床头床尾 / Head End, Foot End, Bed Ends
08.阿猫阿狗 / Cat And Dog

Watten House Chinese Image

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