本地姜辣 Ben Di Jiang La


I have a very soft spot for Xin Yao or 新谣 which are local Singapore songs. These songs are written and sang back in the days where Singapore is a real country.

Where locals are the majority and we felt like a country and songs that are produced for the era are all so touching and has a strong local feelings. Perhaps only songs like these can bring us back to the era where things were better than today….

Anyway, sharing this album.. so many songs from my youth…

2003 : 群星 本地姜辣 Ben Di Jiang La
本地姜辣 Ben Di Jiang La
本地姜辣 Ben Di Jiang La
本地姜辣 Ben Di Jiang La
01.从你回眸那天开始 洪劭轩
02.都说在梦里 陈洁仪
03.星空下 巫启贤
04.让全世界起舞 黎沸挥
05.亲亲你念着谁 玖健
06.让夜轻轻落下 潘盈
07.如果你不小心想起我 郑展伦
08.让我潇洒地醉 田劲
09.水的话 颜黎明
10.野人的梦 跳動律与黄宏墨
11.夕阳湖色 邓淑娴
12.回答 乒乓
13.夜的眩晕 许南盛
14.真心属于你 钟琴
01.爱你的余温 黎沸挥
02.万种风情 黄宏墨
03.会飞的心 谢依婷
04.红 乒乓
05.明天我会在哪里 珂宁
06.羞答答的玫瑰静悄悄的开 玖健
07.月色同行 颜黎明
08.担心 陈洁仪
09.我会用真心填满你的孤单 郑展伦
10.碎花如雨随风飞 田劲
11.唇边的笑意 巫启贤
12.在你眼里看不见我自己 潘盈
13.岁月的另一张脸 洪劭轩
14.关于今夜所有的感觉 邓淑娴

The Orie New Launch

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